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  • May 28, 2012 -

    I started migrating to new infrastructure at Good Function Networks this weekend. I'm using this ... [more]

  • Aug. 8, 2009 -

    Good Function Networks suffered some intermittent website outages over the past few days (August 6-7).  ... [more]

  • Feb. 23, 2009 -

    This week we added Subversion client access and WebSVN for repository ... [more]

Migrating To Django 1.0 This Week
Sept. 17, 2008, authored by: GF Admin

September 3rd marked the release of Django 1.0 which also marked a milestone for many developers in FOSS land who were in waiting to 'officially' adopt the new king of app frameworks.  Congratulations to the Django project developers.

Here at Good Function, I'm in the process of adopting the new release so that we can start using it in production.  I've created a new compat-django-1.0 branch to port the main Good Function site.  So far, So good.  Upon my initial code changes, the incompatible features have been easy.  Admittedly, I knew version 1.0 was coming, so I halted most of my development in July.

We'll continue hosting support for Django 0.96 and Django 1.0 in case we have some old-school needs for it.  However, I expect popularity to wane considerably for the pre-1.0 framework.